Sunday, August 20, 2023

Recover tablespace from RMAN Backup


Before recovering tablespace, first validate database backup availability

RMAN> RESTORE DATABASE PREVIEW SUMMARY UNTIL TIME "to_date('05/22/21 18:34:00','mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss')";


If it says that you have all the backup available then you can proceed with the tablespace recovery

RMAN> recover tablespace "TEST1" until time "to_date('05/22/21 18:34:00','mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss')" auxiliary destination '+DATA_INF';



Put the tablespace online after complete recovery and validate its availability and the tables in it

Recover table from RMAN Backup

Before recovering table, first validate database backup availability

RMAN> RESTORE DATABASE PREVIEW SUMMARY UNTIL TIME "to_date('05/21/21 18:34:00','mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss')";


If it says that you have all the backup available then you can proceed with the table recovery

RMAN> run {

recover table "VPSRIVA_RO"."VP_TEST1" UNTIL TIME "to_date('05/21/21 18:34:00','mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss')"

auxiliary destination '+DATA_INF';




Validate the recovered table